حمل الفاميلي من هنا
Title Subtitle Time start Details Watched
schedule 0.02.00 Is very important for quantity survey
Highlight schedule item 0.27.30
Manage 01.39.49 Important note
Vv is differ thank the manage annotation object
That vv is for a specific view but annotation object is for the whole project
Family creating 00.44.00
Vv visibility graphic 1.23.00
Mechanical setting 1.29.00
Electrical setting 1.36.00
Drop shape 1.38.40
snaps 1.41.00
Project information 1.42.00
Project Parameter 1.43.50
Project Unit 1.45.00
Shared parameter 1.45.25
Transfer Project parameter 1.45.30 Copy project standards from one to the newer one, so we can work faster at the new project
Transfer Project schedules 1.46.05 Note: use the same program version to avoid time loss
Purge 1.48.20 Note: use it very carefully
Visualization Render 2.00.28
Walk Through 2.07.55

لازم تحسس العميل بالجهد المبذول
لابد أن تبهره
ترسل له
1. Schedules quantity survey as much as you can like all fittings
2. 3D sections
3. 2 or 3 photos with render, would be better if you use a better rendering program like lumin or 3D Max
4. Even if you don't make a price for this work at the first time, after that you will ask him for a cost as it take long time
لا ترسل مجرد plane 2D عادي، فإنه لن يشعر بمجهودك المبذول