شرح درس
Classification of Acids and Bases
CHEMISTRY - Secondary 1
In This part we will study
 Classification of acids according to their sources:
Acids are classified according to their sources (origin) into:
Organic acids
 Acids that have an organic origin
(plant or animal).
- They are extracted from the organs of living organisms.
- All of them are weak acids.

 Lactic acid (milk products).
 Acetic acid (vinegar).
 Citric acid (from lemon).
 Oxalic acid.
 Formic acid.
Mineral acids
 Acids that have no organic origin.
- They usually have non-metallic
elements in their structure like chlorine,
sulphur, nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Some of them are strong acids and others are weak.

 Carbonic acid.
 Hydrochloric acid.
 Phosphoric acid.
 Perchloric acid.
 Nitric acid.
 Sulphuric acid.
 Classification of acids according to their basicity:
The basicity of acid : It is the number of hydrogen ions (H+), which is produced by one molecule of the acid when it dissolves in water.
Monobasic acids (Monoprotic)
Acids where each molecule gives one proton H+, when it dissolves in water.


Dibasic acids (Diprotic)
Acids where each molecule gives one or two protons H+, when it dissolves in water.

Tribasic acids (Triprotic)
Acids where each molecule gives one, two or three protons H+, when it dissolves in water.

Best wishes to you
Mr.Ahmed Elbasha

كيمياء الصف الاول الثانوي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الاول
شرح كيمياء لغات اولي ثانوي - مستر احمد الباشا
كيمياء لغات - الصف الاول الثانوي - كيمياء اولي ثانوي الترم الاول - كيمستري اولي ثانوي الترم الاول