الصف الرابع الابتدائي ساينس
ساينس رابعة ابتدائي

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In This Video :
Activity: to design a model of a water turbine.
1. Make the blades of the water turbine using the ball of cork, four plastic spoons and the toothpick as shown in the opposite figure.
2. Make the base of water turbine by using the three wooden sticks and the wax gun as shown in the opposite figure.
3. Fix the blades to the base as shown in the opposite figure.

4. Place the turbine inside the bowl.

5. Fill the jug with water, then pour it over the blades.

The blades rotate when water is poured over them and stop when the water inside the jug is completely run out.

6. When the water in the jug runs out, refill it with water from the bowl and pour water over the blades again.
The blades start to rotate again.

• The kinetic energy of moving water in rivers is used to rotate water turbines to generate hydroelectric energy.
• If the water flows all the time, the water turbines will be operated all the time.

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