الصف الرابع الابتدائي ساينس
ساينس رابعة ابتدائي
لينك تحميل الملزمة
لينك تليجرام
In This Video :
Some methods of conserving fossil fuels
1. Walking or using bicycles instead of driving a car.
2.Turning off the lights when you are not in the room.
3. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy resources such as : solar energy, hydroelectric energy and wind energy.
Disadvantages of using fossil fuels in energy production
• The amount of fossil fuels is limited and could run out.
• When some forms of fossil fuels burn, they emit gases that cause :
- Air pollution.
- Trap heat in the atmosphere, which raises the temperature of Earth planet and
changes its climate. This phenomenon is known as "global warming."
The use of renewable energy resources instead of fossil fuels means that renewable
energy resources will not run out and so this will not cause an increase in Earth's
temperature but production of energy by using renewable energy resources is more
expensive than using fossil fuels.
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