الصف الرابع الابتدائي ساينس
ساينس رابعة ابتدائي

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In This Video :
Formation of coal :
300 million years ago, large areas of the earth were covered with swamps, with a lot of plants growing nearby.
When those plants died, their remains were decomposed and covered by hundreds of meters of mud and rocks.
Due to the effect of extreme heat and pressure, those remains were turned into coal.

Conservation of fossil fuel :
Non-renewable fossil fuels should be conserved and alternative resources
should be found as :
• Fossil fuels (coal , oil, and natural gas) take millions of years to be formed, as they are consumed faster than they are formed. Once they are used, they start to run out because they can't be easily renewed .

Oil and Water
• Oil and water are considered from resources that are used by humans to generate

• Oil has a structure differs from that of water.

• Oil is a non-renewable energy resource, while water is a renewable energy resource.

Formation of oil :
• Oil is extracted from the underground because of decomposition of marine organisms, where :

- When those marine organisms died, their remains settle on the ocean floor.
- Over millions of years, layers of sediments and rocks cover the remains of those marine organisms, this results in extreme heat and pressure.
- Over time, as a result of extreme heat and pressure, those remain converted into oil.
Conservation of oil :
Oil is consumed at a rate greater and faster than the production of new oil, so it should be rationalized in order to avoid running out through many ways such as :
1. Reducing the use of private vehicles.
2. Using of public means of transportation.

Conservation of water :
People should use water carefully and rationalize
its using through many ways such as :
1. Avoid wasting or polluting water, because we may not be able to replace it as quickly as we need.
2. Growing plants that do not need large amounts of water for irrigation.

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