الصف الرابع الابتدائي ساينس
ساينس رابعة ابتدائي
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In This Video :
1- Biofuel
It is a fuel that is produced from living organisms that can be planted (i.e., plants).
Biofuel is a renewable energy resource that is continually renewed as plants grow, so it is known as "renewable fuel".
Its primary source : The Sun
Conservation of biofuel :
Although biofuel is a renewable energy resource, it should be conserved (rationalized), where:
2- Fossil fuel
It is a fuel that is produced from old living organisms (plants or animals) that were buried and decomposed over a long period of time .
Fossil fuel is a non-renewable energy resource, because once it is consumed,
it runs out faster than it can be renewed.
Its primary source : The Sun
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