شرح ICT الصف الخامس الابتدائي لغات مستر احمد الباشا
ICT خامسة ابتدائي

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In this part :
The importance of planning
Before starting your project, you should discuss the following with your group:
1.What is the form of the final product?
Presentation, poster, web page, or film(video)
2.What is needed?
Make a list of the things you need to deliver the project on time.
3.Which tools will you use?
Decide on the tools that will be needed to complete each section of the project.
4.Who will do each part?
Assign roles based on the strengths and interests of each group member.

Tools you might need for a group project.

1. Microsoft word
Word (in Microsoft Office 365) is an efficient program to use when working on projects.

- in Word: Click Edit ► Document Edit

2. Microsoft Paint
You can save the images you create and insert them into your document.

3. Email
Use email to send your work to other group members or to your teacher.
Write your ideas in a message or attach a document or image that you've

Assigning roles
It is important to understand the role each group member will play in a project.
Before you start, you should speak to your group members to discuss the following:
• The strengths of each group member
(Their personal characteristics that can benefit the group).
• The things needed to complete the project: pictures, text, data, etc.
• The tools that will be needed to complete each section of the project.
• The format that will be used to deliver information.

مستر احمد الباشا