شرح ICT الصف الخامس الابتدائي لغات مستر احمد الباشا
ICT خامسة ابتدائي

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In this part :
Tip For common ICT issue
Installing software
Most software programs, like Microsoft Office versions and Google Chrome, are downloaded from the internet.

How to install software:

Windows PC

Find the program online. ► Click the download button. ► Click on the file, located in Downloads. ► A box will pop up. ► Follow the instructions to finish the installation process.

Android device
Tap on the Apps icon.
► Go to the App store.
► (Google Play Store).
► Find the app you're looking for and click install.

Updating software
- Software programs often need to be updated.
- Updates help programs to run more efficiently.
- Many programs install necessary updates automatically.

How to install updates:

Windows PC
Windows PC: Some major updates require a restart. Windows will prompt you when this is the case. To manage updates, go to the following:
Start button ► Settings ► Update and Security ► Windows update.

Android device
To check for updates ► go to System ► System Update.
In system update, you will find updates that still need to be installed. Tap on the icon and follow the instructions to install the necessary updates.

Troubleshoot screen freezes.
Sometimes, when you're downloading or updating software, your screen may freeze.

If this happens:
Windows PC:
Press and hold the "Ctrl+Alt;' and "Del" buttons and use the Task manager to shut down any program that is marked as "not responding.”

Android device:
Hold down the power button for 30 seconds and restart.

Binary numbers system
► Computers use binary to store data more efficiently. Think of binary numbers as a language that the computer understands.
► Understanding binary will help you to better understand what's going on when investigating a computer problem.

Computers understand data (numbers) through a binary electrical signal
1 means on
0 means off.

مستر احمد الباشا