شرح ICT الصف الخامس الابتدائي لغات مستر احمد الباشا
ICT خامسة ابتدائي

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In this part :
Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft Edge is the web browser that comes with Microsoft Windows.
- Microsoft Edge can help you browse, search, stream and more.
- The Collections feature in Microsoft Edge organizes research in one place and on multiple devices.
- You can start a collection for each new project or assignment.
- You can export each collection to other apps such as Excel and Word.
Within each collection you can add entire web pages, and individual videos, images (including charts and graphs), text, links and notes.

- To start a collection, download the programs with the help of your teacher.
▌Select Collections on the toolbar. . .
▌Select Start a New Collection.
▌Type the title of your collection in the box.
▌Add content by selecting Add current page.
▌Drag an image into the collection.
▌Select text or links and drag them into a collection.
Writing help - Microsoft Editor
- Use Microsoft Editor to check for spelling and grammar.
- The editor will highlight problems such as capitalization errors and incorrect words and punctuation.
- Microsoft Editor make a suggestion to correct each error, and you decide whether to accept or ignore each suggestion.

مستر احمد الباشا