شرح درس
Metallic and nonmetallic property
CHEMISTRY - Secondary 2
In This part we will study:

The acidic and basic property of the hydroxy compounds
Oxygenated acids (acids contain oxygen) and bases are considered as hydroxy compounds, they can be represented by the general formula (MOH), where M is the element atom.

The hydroxy compounds can be ionized by either ways:

If the strength of (M - O) bond and the strength of (O - H) bond are equal, the substance will be ionized as an acid or a base depending on the reaction medium, this means that it reacts as a base in the acidic medium and as an acid in the basic medium.

The strength of the oxygenated acids
• The oxygenated acids are represented by the following general formula:

Summary of the graduation of the properties of the elements in the periodic table

Best wishes to you
Mr.Ahmed Elbasha

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