شرح درس
Graduation of representative elements Properties
CHEMISTRY - Secondary 2
In This part we will study:
 Electron affinity:
• We have mentioned that the removal of an electron from the atom will convert it into a cation, which requires an amount of energy named by the first ionization energy.
On the other hand, if the atom gained an extra electron, it will be converted into a negative ion.

• We have mentioned that the removal of an electron from the atom will convert it into a cation, which requires an amount of energy named by the first ionization energy.
On the other hand, if the atom gained an extra electron, it will be converted into a negative ion.

• The magnitude of the electron affinity is high when the added electron makes the sublevel, half-filled or completely filled, as in both cases it helps in the stability of the atom.
The graduation of electron affinity in the periodic table
 Electronegativity:
• When two atoms of two different elements combine together, the ability of one atom of them to attract the electrons of the chemical bond differs from that of the other atom
Electronegativity: It is the tendency of an atom to attract the electrons of the chemical bond to itself.
The electron affinity differs from the electronegativity, where the electron affinity is an energy term which refers to an atom in its single state, while the electronegativity of the elements is represented by relative values and it refers to a combined atom.
 The increase of the relative values of the electronegativity means the increase in the ability of the element atom to attract the electrons of the chemical bond.
 The difference in electronegativity between elements plays a very important role in determining the nature of the bond formed between them (as will be discussed later in chapter three).
The graduation of electron affinity in the periodic table

Best wishes to you
Mr.Ahmed Elbasha

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