شرح ICT الصف الخامس الابتدائي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الثاني
شرح ICT خامسة ابتدائي - ترم ثاني

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In This Lesson:
Social responsibility
Express your opinion in a positive way.
(Think about how you would communicate with people in person, and how to respect their opinions.)

When you have information sources like videos or articles, be sure they are accurate and easy to understand.
(Don’t spread false information.)

Make sure you are sharing clear information with a clear purpose.

Be mindful of the websites you use.
(If a site is spreading false or harmful information in its content or advertisements, stop visiting that site.)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Companies also use the internet to help others, by addressing environmental concerns or supporting important causes.

Today, many companies include CSR tasks as part of their business plans, to provide help to communities around the world.

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