شرح ساينس الصف السادس الابتدائي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الثاني
شرح ساينس سادسة ابتدائي - ترم ثاني

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In This Lesson:
▌We can use some tools of cloud computing to communicate with everyone at the same time.

▌This communication can be done by using digital tools,
Real-time communication
It often allows you to get your message across in a more engaging way. This is especially true when communicating via a video conference.

Video Conferencing
Two popular video conferencing platforms :
1. Microsoft Teams
2. Google Meet™

While there may be some variety in terms of how each platform runs, the basic tools are similar in both of them.

How to use video conferencing software, via the Google Meet: platform.
To create a Meet
1. Click on New Meeting.
2. Then click on the option that works for you.
a. The option to start a meeting instantly.
b. To create a meeting for later
3. Once you have created your meeting:
- copy the meeting link that Google provides.
- share it with the meeting participants.

To join a Meet
There are two ways to join a meet:
a. You can copy and paste the invite link into your browser.
b. You can enter the link into the "Enter a code or link" field.

Then, click Join.

Once you're in the Meet:
1. You will be asked to approve the use of the microphone and camera.
2. Click on the microphone icon for audio and the camera icon for video.
► To turn either off, just click on the icon again .

Prepare for your video conference by following the steps below.
• Step Confirm the order of speakers.
• Step Go over each member's notes, to make sure the information is correct, and sources are accurate.
• Step as a group, do a practice run of your presentation. If there are any
glitches or issues, resolve them at this stage.
• Step Be sure the internet is working, and that the video conferencing platform
is working properly.
• Step Ask your teacher for help in solving any problems before you start.

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