شرح ICT الصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الأول
شرح تكنولوجيا المعلومات لغات رابعة ابتدائي - ترم أول
لينك تحميل الملزمة
لينك تليجرام
In This Lesson :
Posting online
• When you tag someone, you identify that person in a post, photo, or video.
• Anyone who has access to your account can see the tag.
• The tag provides a link to the person's profile.
When you post on social media and tag your friends:
1. It's important to be sure the person you're tagging is OK with this.
2. Make sure to ask them permission first. It shows that you respect their privacy.
Crediting others
• When you're looking for information to post online or to include in a PowerPoint presentation, it's important to Credit sources that provide you with information that you share with other.
Respecting the law
• Whether you are posting online or researching topics, be sure to respect the law.
• Don't go on banned sites.
• Banned sites may publish inaccurate, immoral, and harmful material.
• Ask your teacher or a family member before you go on a new site.
The positive and negative effects of ICT tools
The positive effects of using ICT tools The Negative effects of using ICT tools
1. You can read the news with just a
click of the mouse
2. You can upload and download videos and
photos and view them whenever you want.
3. You can communicate with friends
and family anywhere in the world.
1. You may come across something
online that upsets you.
2. You can get eye strain or headaches
from using your devices too long.
3. Some people may rely on searching on
Google to answer all their question seven
though it doesn't always give the
right answer!
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