شرح ساينس الصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الأول
شرح ساينس رابعة ابتدائي - ترم أول
لينك تحميل الملزمة
لينك تليجرام
In This Part :
Record Evidence Like a Scientist
In this activity, which will be repeated at the end of each concept, we will learn how to think like scientists to answer a question about one of the main points of this concept through four main steps:
▌They are small animals that live on land and in water such as :
▌They can live in moist (wet) environments like rainforests, water streams and ponds.
▌Like humans, adult amphibians can breathe using lungs when they are on land , but amphibians can also take in oxygen from water.
Structural adaptation of amphibians to live in wet environments :
Amphibians breathe in (respire) through their lungs and skin to adapt to live on land and in water as follows :
Breathe in through lungs
On land, amphibians inhale oxygen gas from air through their lungs.
Breathe in through skin
The bodies of amphibians are covered with skin that allows water and gases to pass through, so they can absorb (extract) oxygen directly from water.
The role of scientists to protect many types of amphibians from extinction :
Scientists (biologists) are working to save many types of amphibians from extinction by studying :
- How amphibians breathe in air and water.
- Factors cause air and water pollutions that affect the life of amphibians.
- What make these animals sick in their environments.
How do people help in protection of amphibians from extinction ?
Clean air and water are important for amphibians, so people should :
- Avoid throwing waste materials in water.
- Dispose of chemicals in a correct way helps to avoid water pollution.
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