المحاضرة الرابعة: مفاهيم حدوث الأمراض الجزء الثالث
الفصل الثالث: محددات الصحة
Chapter 2: Concepts of Disease Occurrence part 3
Chapter 3: The Determinants of Health
What is epidemiology
PDF epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology
Types of epidemiology
Introduction to epidemiology
Epidemiology of COVID-19
معنى epidemiology
Analytical epidemiology
What does an epidemiologist do?
What are the 3 major types of epidemiologic studies?
What are the five core functions of epidemiology?
What are the two types of epidemiology?
Course Description
The main objective of this 24-hour course is to give students the basic principles for understanding health and disease determinants and methods for measuring the health status of the community.
It is important to understand the common health problems in Egypt and what kinds of changes will require health education and communication campaigns.
Core Knowledge
By the end of this course, the students should have adequate knowledge of how to:
•• Define disease epidemiology
•• Categorize health determinants
•• Illustrate biological and genetic factors on health
•• Name demographic characteristics of population and explain their influence on health
•• List social and traditional habits of different Egyptian populations
•• Recall fertility indicators
•• Recognize and recall risk factors of common health problems
•• Describe health indicators (measurements)
•• Compare morbidity and mortality indicators
•• Recognize various sources of health-related data
•• Summarize steps of outbreak investigation
•• Distinguish cause of disease and risk factors
•• Define the three levels of disease prevention
•• Provide examples of control measures for common infectious and non-communicable diseases in Egypt
Core Skills
By the end of this course the students should be able to:
•• Apply basic concepts of epidemiology
•• Verify the specific determinants of common health conditions, such as infectious & non communicable diseases and accidents
•• Understand the difference between ratio and proportion
•• Be able to calculate some Egyptian morbidity and mortality indicators
•• Understand the difference between disease incidence and prevalence, and be able to judge the health condition of a community by using health indicators
•• Hypothesize the influence of different fertility situations on health conditions
•• Plan and carry out a small-scale health survey
•• Be able to manage an outbreak investigation
•• Formulate simple general preventive messages for common health problems
•• Contribute to prevention and immunization campaigns
Chapter 1: Basic Epidemiological Concepts
Chapter 2: Concepts of Disease Occurrence
Chapter 3: The Determinants of Health
Chapter 4: Disease Prevention and Control
Chapter 5: Measuring the Occurrence of Disease
Chapter 6: Core Epidemiologic Functions
Chapter 7: Demography
شرح الأستاذ الدكتور/ حورية عبد الوهاب
دكتوراه الصحة العامة وعميد المعهد الفني الصحي بالمنصورة
مقرر الوبائيات وصحة المجتمع
الفرقة الثانية شعبة المراقبين الصحيين
الفرقة الثانية شعبة التمريض العام
الفرقة الثانية شعبة الإرشاد والتثقيف الصحي
المعاهد الفنية الصحية