الإشراف والرقابة من صفحة 66
Time allotted: 2 hours
Intended learning outcomes
After the student has studied this lecture, he/ she should be able to:
Explain the meaning,
List importance of supervision
Discuss the purpose of supervision
Determine principles of supervision
Discuss the functions Principles of supervision
Identify the different techniques used in supervision
describe the meaning and importance of motivation;
Use Maslow hierarchy of needs to motivate employees
Definition of supervision
Importance of supervision
Purposes of supervision
Principles of supervision
Functions of supervision
Techniques of supervision
Definition of motivation
Importance of motivation
Maslow hierarchy of needs
Purpose of supervision
Introduction of supervision
Definition of supervision
Purpose of effective supervision
Activities of supervision process
Methods of supervision
Supervision Pdf
Supervision in nursing
مقرر الإدارة في التمريض
Nursing Administration handbook
شعبة التمريض الفرقة الثانية الترم الثاني
Nursing Division, the second year, the second term