المشكلات الصحية للأطفال والبالغين وكبار السن من صفحة 51
Mental health problems in children and adolescents
Mental health problems in children and adolescents can be mild to severe; some problems may last for a short period of time, and others may last a lot longer. They have a tendency to interfere with a child‘s or an adolescent‘s normal development, which includes their ability to function socially and/or psychologically. Specific childhood disorders include:
•• hyperkinetic disorders
•• conduct disorders
•• emotional disorders
•• social functioning disorders
•• other disorders – enuresis, encopresis
•• pervasive development disorders(Autism Spectrum Disorder DSM- 5).
There are also mental disorders that can start in childhood,including:
•• depression
•• anxiety disorders
•• adjustment disorders
•• psychotic disorders
•• sleep problems.
Disorders in adolescence include:
•• conduct disorder
•• eating disorders
•• mood disorders
•• anxiety disorders
•• obsessive-compulsive disorder
•• schizophrenia
•• substance misuse.
Clinical features
As individuals live longer we have an increasingly aging population, and mental health nurses need to be able to respond effectively to this change.
Generally a functional disorder is different from an organic disorder in that organic disorders result from an identified biological cause whereas in functional disorders there is no apparent biological cause.
Functional disorders in older adults include:
•• personality disorders
•• depression
•• anxiety disorders
•• mania
•• psychotic disorders.
The assessment, diagnosis and management of these functional disorders is the same for older adults as for younger adults.
مقرر تمريض الصحة النفسية
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
الفرقة الثانية الترم الثاني شعبة التمريض العام
المعاهد الفنية الصحية