الفصل السادس عشر: توازن الحمضية في الجسم من صفحة 109
Chapter 16: Acid base disturbance pharmacotherapy
What is acid-base balance?
Respiratory acidosis
Symptoms of respiratory acidosis
Causes of respiratory acidosis
Types of respiratory acidosis
Diagnosis of respiratory acidosis
Treatment of respiratory acidosis
Complications of respiratory acidosis
Preventing respiratory acidosis
Metabolic acidosis
Symptoms of alkalosis
Causes and types of alkalosis
Course Description
This course will focus on Understanding the pharmacology of the commonly used drugs in critical and intensive care unit, including action, adverse effects, drug interactions and drug dose adjustment in critically ill patients. The students will also gain practical experience by applying the knowledge gained during the first academic year to better understand their audience and create more effective health messages and programming.
Core Knowledge
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Identify the action of the most common drugs used in critical and intensive care unit.
• Describe the possible adverse effects of the most common drugs used in critical and intensive care unit
• Discuss the possible drug interaction between the most common drugs used in critical and intensive care unit
• Identify dose adjustment in critically ill patients
• Identify the precautions needed during administration of the most common drugs used in critical and intensive care unit.
أدوية الطوارئ والرعاية الحرجة
Pharmacology of Emergency & Critical Care
شرح الدكتورة/ إسراء السيد رفاعي
صيدلانية إكلينيكية – مشرف الصيدلة مستشفى سموحة الجامعي للأطفال جامعة الإسكندرية
ماجستير الصيدلة الإكلينيكية
رابط الكتاب الذي يتم الشرح منه
الترم الثاني الفرقة الثانية شعبة الطوارئ والرعاية الحرجة
المعاهد الفنية الصحية