الفصل الأول: التثقيف الصحي من صفحة 7 إلى صفحة 13
Ch1: Health Education
الجروب الرسمي الخاص بالقناة على تلجرام
1. Define the health education
2. Discuss the approach to health education
3. Identify the aims and basic principles of health education
4. Describe the contents of health education
5. Identify the health education settings
6. Determine the role of Health educator
Course Description
This course will focus on the health educations, counseling, and different types of educational strategies for individual, group, and community in some health situations, .
This involves identifying, understanding and addressing appropriate health educational sessions for a person through designing, implementing and evaluating a health education program. Students will learn and differentiate between different types of educational methods and materials related to any health situation.
Core Knowledge
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Identify the Approach to health education
• Describe the aims and basic principles of health education
• Determine the contents of health education and health education settings
• Identify the role of Health educator
• Delineate the educational Methods And Materials
• Define the behavior and its effect on human health state
• Distinguishing characteristics of culture
• Determine the five categories counseling goals and its purpose
• Determine the different fields of counseling
• Describe the ethical consideration for health educators and counselor
Core Skills
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Develop a health education program
• Implement the health educational cession by selection appropriate method of education and materials
• Apply appropriate health educations skills for the individual, group, and community in different situations
• Apply principles of counseling skills.
• Apply the ethical issues related to health educator and counselor.
استراتيجيات التدريب والتثقيف
Teaching & Learning Strategies
شعب التمريض والتثقيف الصحي الفرقة الثانية
المعهد الفني الصحي