الفصل السابع: التعامل مع مجرى الهواء ودعم التنفس صفحة 92
Chapter 8: Management Of Respiratory Disorders
1. Describe the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of pneumonia in the critically ill patient.
2. Describe the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of acute respiratory failure.
3. Differentiate between hypoxemic (type I) acute respiratory failure and hypercapnic (type II) acute respiratory failure.
4. Explain the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
5. Describe the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
6. Discuss the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of pleural effusion.
7. Describe the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of pneumothorax.
8. Discuss the pathophysiology, assessment, management, and prevention of pulmonary embolism.
9. Describe the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of an acute exacerbation of asthma and status asthmaticus.
تقنيات الرعاية التنفسية والقلب
Techniques of Cardio-Respiratory care
شرح الدكتورة/ أميرة العباسي
ماجستير الطوارئ والرعاية الحرجة المعهد الفني الصحي بالإسكندرية
شعبة الطوارئ والرعاية الحرجة الفرقة الثانية الترم الثاني
المعاهد الفنية الصحية