تتقدم أسرة القناة بخالص الشكر والتقدير للدكتورة/ ريهام حلمي عبد الستار، على مجهوداتها المتميزة
الفصل السابع: التحسس الزائد (الحساسية) من الصفحة 43 إلى 48
Chapter 7: Hypersensitivity Reactions (Allergy) from page 43 to 48

Course Description
This course will provide students the basic concepts of the structure and function of the immune system, mechanism of immunity and immune mediated diseases as well as the different methods used to diagnose and control such diseases.
Core Knowledge
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
a1- Describe the physiology of the immune system, its structure, normal function.
a2- Identify beneficial and harmful immunological reactions.
a3- Recognize the principle of different serological and molecular techniques used in diagnosis.
Intellectual Skills
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
b.1 Critically assess laboratory results.
b.2 Understand the principle and operation of relevant laboratory equipment.
b.3 Solve some common microbiologically related medical problems and interpret results and reports of microbiological, serological, immunological and molecular tests.
b.4 Able to select the suitable sample and the suitable laboratory test for diagnosis.
b.5 Able to choose the required measurements for prevention and controls
Professional &practical skills
By the end of this course the trainee will be able to:
c1- Work safely in a medical laboratory.
c2- Ability to understand different methods of laboratory diagnosis.
c3- Solve some common microbiologically related medical problems and interpret some antigen antibody or molecular tests.
c4- Perform some serological tests used for detection of viruses and fungi in clinical samples and analyze the results.
General transferable skills
d1. Adopt the principles of lifelong learning needs of the medical profession (continuous professional development; CPD).
d2. Use computers efficiently in reaching biomedical information to remain current with advances in knowledge and practice.
d3. Present information clearly in written, electronic and verbal forms.
d4. Apply English language as needed for appropriate learning and communication in relation to medicine.
Course Description
• Cells of immune response
• Antigens
• Innate immunity
• Acquired immunity and cytokines
• Humoral immune response
• Host defense against infection and cancer
• Hypersensitivity
• Antigen – antibody reactions
• Tolerance, autoimmunity, Immunodeficiency, Transplantation and graft rejection
Immunoassay معنى
Competitive ELISA
Competitive ELISA شرح
Immunoassay PDF
شرح immunoassay
Immunoassay techniques
ELISA techniques
رابط تحميل المذكرة
كورس تحاليل أمراض المناعة
الفرقة الثانية شعبة المختبرات الطبية الترم الثاني
المعهد الفني الصحي