الفصل السادس: الرضاعة الطبيعية من صفحة 33
Chapter 6: Breastfeeding
•• Recognize the importance and advantages of breastfeeding
•• Understand the concepts of proper breastfeeding
Course Description
This 35-hour course primarily focuses on the current health problems affecting children and adolescents in Egypt. It will highlight the impact of various common health problems at the early stages of the life cycle and their functional outcomes in terms of morbidity, mortality, growth, and development. Students will become familiar with the different predisposing factors for childhood and adolescent morbidity. Moreover, they will be exposed to programs and strategies available to combat health and nutritional problems.
By the end of this course the students should be able to:
•• Recognize typical growth and developmental stages in children and adolescents
•• Identify morbidities and mortalities that affect children and adolescents
•• Describe the main factors that influence morbidity and mortality in childhood and
•• Discuss the components of health programs for children and adolescents
•• Know the compulsory vaccines of childhood
•• Explain the optimal nutrition for children and adolescents and describe their impact on
health and wellbeing
•• Explain assessment methods of nutritional status
•• Categorize problems of malnutrition
•• Explain the significance of breastfeeding
•• Be aware of the definition of exclusive breastfeeding and identify steps for successful
•• Discuss challenges to breastfeeding practices
•• Illustrate appropriate and balanced diet for different age groups
•• Identify measures for ensuring food safety
مقرر صحة المرأة والطفل
Women and Child Health
رابط الكتاب الذي يتم الشرح منه
شرح الدكتورة سهير العجمي ماجستير تمريض الصحة العامة
مدرس بالمعهد الفني الصحي بالإسكندرية
الفرقة الثانية الترم الثاني شعبة الإرشاد والتثقيف الصحي
Health counseling and education Division Second year
المعهد الفني الصحي