Nuclear Medicine: (4) Radionuclide and Radiopharmaceutical Production النويدات المشعة والمنتجات الدوائية المشعة
الفصل الثالث: النويدات المشعة والمنتجات الدوائية المشعة من صفحة 22
Chapter 3: Radionuclide and Radiopharmaceutical Production

Radionuclide imaging
Radionuclide scan
Applications of radioactive isotopes in medicine
Radioisotopes in medicine
Examples of radioactive isotopes
Radioactive isotopes
Radioisotopes معنى
Types of radiopharmaceuticals
Radiopharmaceuticals PDF
History of radiopharmaceuticals
Radiopharmaceuticals ppt
Radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine
Radiopharmaceuticals applications
Radiopharmaceuticals diagnostic and therapeutic application
Radioactive drugs

Course Aim
This course will equip the students to deal, prepare and administer the various types of radio-pharmaceuticals used in diagnosis and therapy.
Intended Learning Outcome
a.1- Describe various types of radio-pharmaceuticals used in medicine (diagnosis and therapy).
a.2- Explain methods and instruments used for radiation-protection.
a.3- Describe clinical implementation of various radio-pharmaceuticals.
a.4- Define basic fundamentals of radiation.
a.5- Explains Production of radio-nuclides.
a.6- Describe Decay of radio-active materials and half-life.
a.7- Explain the effect of radiation on human beings
a.8- Describe International Radiation Standards.
a.9- identify the generators used to produce different radio-pharmaceuticals in clinical practice.
a.10- Describe PET/CT radio-pharmaceutics production & applications.
b1-Differentiate between radiation units; Rontgen & Sievert, Rad &Gray, Curie & Becquerel. b2- Classify Radiation detectors including ionization chamber, Geiger’s counter, and Gamma camera. b.3 Discuss hot lab instruments & preparation.
c1- Explain properties, handling, preparing, administering & dispensing of radio-pharmaceuticals used in Diagnosis of : Skeletal System Thyroid Lung Cardiac Muscle G.I.T. Renal System Brain Infections Tumor Imaging & Others
c.2- Show Physics of gamma radiation and Detection of radiation
c.3- Uses properties, handling, preparing, administering & dispensing of radio-pharmaceuticals used in therapy of: Thyroid disease, Bone & other diseases .
c.4. Show the Chemistry of Radio-Pharmaceutics.
C5. Show the International maximum permissible dose and other regulations
1- Overview of the subject.
2-Basic Nuclear Physics.
3-Radiation Units & Detectors.
4- Radio-Biology.
5-Radiation Chemistry 1.
6-Radiation Chemistry 2.
7-Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine.
8- PET/CT.
9-Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine.
10-Fundementals of Radiation Protection.
مقرر مبادئ الطب النووي
شرح الأستاذ الدكتور/ أحمد رمضان الدسوقي
مدرس علاج الأورام بكلية الطب جامعة المنصورة
شعبة الأشعة والتصوير الطبي الفرقة الثانية الترم الثاني
المعاهد الفنية الصحية