من صفحة 1 إلى صفحة 6
1. Definition تعريف
2. Importance الأهمية
3. Types of statistics أنواع الإحصائيات
Variables and data المتغيرات والبيانات
1- Overall Course Aims :
Provide the students with theoretical and practical contents on statistics to make them able to handle efficiently and interpret different types of data relevant to their future career on medical records and disease registries. 2- Intended learning outcomes (ILOs) :
A. Knowledge and Understanding :
By the end of the course, the student should be able to :
a1 : Define the basic concept of biostatistics and their relevance to biomedical field.
a2 : Define data sources, collection techniques, and measurement scales.
a3 : Describe types of variables.
A4 : Define hospital statistics and how to measure the efficiency of bed utilization.
B. Intellectual Skills:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to :
b1 : Construct frequency distribution table for individual and grouped data.
C. Professional and Practical Skills :
By the end of the course, the student should be able to :
c1 : Use computer tools to make relevant library search and be familiar with some statistical packages.
c3 : Interpret areas under normal curve (AUC).
c5 : Handle different types of hospital statistics.
D. General and Transferable Skills :
By the end of the course, the student should be able to :
d1 : Develop skills needed for data presentation and making reports.
d2 : Work independently or as a part of team demonstrating creativity.
d3 : Enhancing team work sprit.
مقرر الإحصاء في التمريض
المقرر على الفرقة الثانية شعبة التمريض العام
بالمعاهد الفنية الصحية