الفصل الثاني: المفاعل النووي الجزء الثاني
Nuclear Reactor
Requirements and special requirements for the protection of radioactive isotopic trading
Dealing of nursing with the irradiated patient
International organization mean on radiation protection

At the end of this chapter the student will be able to:
• Defined what is nuclear reactors
• Identify the types of reactors
• Have enough data about the isotopes
• Recognize the requirement and the especial requirement for protection when dealing with isotope material
• Recognize the international bodies mean with radiation protection

Course description
This course include all what the radiographer student should know about the radiobiology in this educational level m including the mean of radiation, its sources and types, what is mean by nuclear reactors as well as its types and indication, this course give bereave data about radiation quality and protection finally we try to give enough data about the radiation effect on the different body tissue and organs try to help the student to be effective member on his team work.

Course knowledge
By the end of this course, the student will be able to
• Identify the radiation definition, its types and sources
• Has enough data about the nuclear reactors as its definition, structure, types and indications
• Recognize the meaning and methods of radiation protection
• Has enough data about radiation quality.
• Has enough data about the effect of therapeutic and diagnostic radiation on different body organs.
• Finally has enough data about measurement units of radiation.

Course skills
By the end of this course, the student will be able to
• How to protect the worker and the patient from the hazard of radiation by the use of the protective barrier.
• How to deal with patient with radioisotope material

Chapter 1: radiation
Type of radiation
Source of radiation
Factors determine the effect of radiation
The methods control the dose of radiation
Chapter 2: Nuclear reactor
Requirement for protection from radioisotopes
Chapter 3: radiation protection and quality
Requirement for diagnostic and therapeutic device
Radiation quality
Radiation effect
Methods of measurement of radiation dose
Chapter 4: effect of radiation
Effect of radiotherapy on the different body organs
Effect of diagnostic radiology on the different body organs
Unit of measurement

Nuclear reactor PDF
أنواع nuclear reactor
Nuclear reactor components
Essay about nuclear reactor
How a nuclear reactor works
Types of nuclear reactors pdf
Inside nuclear reactor
Nuclear reactor types

كورس التأثيرات البيولوجية للإشعاع
الأستاذ الدكتور/ محمد رشدي
أستاذ علاج الأورام و الطب النووي كلية الطب جامعة المنصورة
الفرقة الثانية شعبة الأشعة والتصوير الطبي الترم الأول
المعهد الفني الصحي