الفصل الرابع: الاتصال والتواصل في وحدة العناية المركزة
Chapter 4: Communication in ICU
كورس مبادئ الرعاية المركزة ICU_Fundamentals
1. List indications for in hospital transfer
2. List vital components of communicating patient data for transfer
3. Identify key elements to be stabilized prior to transfer
4. Identify minimum standard of monitoring during in-hospital transfer
5. Identify basic care needed during transfer
6. Recognize life support requirements for patient transfer
7. List emergency equipment and drugs for use during transfer
8. Describe care documentation and auditing for the transfer process
9. List common pitfalls that might be occur during transfer
10. Describe staffing qualifications for critical care tem responsible for transfer
11. Mention recommendations for transfer procedural comptencies
Course description
This course will prepare the technical student with basic knowledge and skills in order to appraise, assess and manage critically ill patients. Critically analyze theory and knowledge in order to inform and influence clinical practice, and support the physical and psychosocial well-being of critically ill patients. This involves intensive care unit portrayal, patient assessment and monitoring, common patient needs, their general management. The student will learn how to communicate with critically ill patients and their families, how to document and report patient data. They will also gain practical experience on different monitoring techniques and basic patient management
Core Knowledge
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Identify Intensive care unit characteristics, levels, patients, staff, organization and design
• Explain ICU admission and discharge criteria
• Recognize different assessment and monitoring techniques for general ICU patient
• Explain in-hospital patient transfer, pre and inter-hospital transport of the critically ill and injured patient
• Discuss the legal and ethical issues and values that influence the practice of health team.
• Identify basic principles of nutrition, fluid and electrolyte management
Core Skills
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Perform basic technical skills of measuring vital signs, drug administration, IV fluid administration
• Apply basic infection control procedures as handwashing
• Apply different monitoring techniques with, blood glucose monitoring, and pulse oximeter
• Participate in patient transfer
1. Intensive care unit characteristics, levels, patients, staff, organization design, ICU admission & discharge criteria
2. Patient assessment
Pre-arrival assessment
Admission assessment
Comprehensive admission assessment
Ongoing assessment
3. Hemodynamic monitoring
Circulatory assistive devices
Artificial airways
4. Common problems of critical care patients
Impaired communication
Sensory perceptual alteration
Sleep pattern disturbances
5. Prevention of common complications
Physiological instability
Deep venous thrombosis
Hospital acquired infection
Skin breakdown
Psychological impact
6. Communication with patients & families in the ICU
7. Documentation in the ICU
8. Medico-legal & ethical issues in ICU
9. Transporting the critically ill patient
In-hospital transfer of the critically ill patient
Pre – & inter-hospital transport of the critically ill & injured
10. General management of the patient
Nutritional therapy
Fluid & acid-base management
Glycemic control
Pain control
Sedation, agitation, delirium management
Physical therapy
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Vascular access
Drug administration
أفضل كتب ICU
تحميل كتاب icu man pdf
Intensive care unit
Intensive care unit PDF
ICU man pdf
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ICU Fundamentals
ICU Fundamentals lectures
مقرر مبادئ الرعاية المركزة
الفرقة الثانية شعبة الطوارئ والرعاية الحرجة الترم الأول
رابط تنزيل المذكرة التي يتم الشرح منها
المعهد الفني الصحي