System analysis and design is a process that many companies use to evaluate particular business situations and develop ways to improve them through more optimal methods. Companies may use this process to reshape their organization or meet business objectives related to growth and profitability.
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tools and techniques of system analysis and design
Consider this list of tools and techniques when using system analysis and design in your own organization:

1. Data flow diagrams (DFD) or bubble charts
This technique helps organizations by organizing the initial requirements of a system in graphical form. Many companies find this technique helpful when users want a notational communication language, but the required system design remains unclear. DFDs illustrate how information flows between various system functions and demonstrate the current implementation process of the system. They also summarize what information the system processes, which transformations it performs, where it stores data, what result it produces and where those results go. DFD graphic design often makes communication easier between a user and an analyst or an analyst and a designer.

These diagrams come in two forms. A physical DFD describes how a current system operates and how an organization can implement a new one. It reveals which functions a system performs and provides details on hardware, software, files and people. A logical DFD focuses only on the data flow between processes. It describes how the business operates, not just the system. Logical DFDs also explain system events and the data required for each event.

2. Data dictionaries
A data dictionary is a structured receptacle for data elements in a system. It stores descriptions of all data elements in data flow diagrams. These data elements may include processes, details and definitions of data flows, data stores and data within those data stores. It also stores information about the relationship between data elements. Data dictionaries generally improve the communication between users and system analysts. They're also an important part of building a database because analysts can use them to manipulate and control access of the database.

3. Decision trees
Decision trees assist businesses with defining complex relationships and decisions in an organized diagram. These diagrams reveal alternate conditions and actions in a horizontal tree shape and demonstrate which conditions an organization may consider first, then each one in order of importance.

4. Decision tables
Decision tables can improve the general understanding of a complex logical relationship by providing a matrix of rows and columns for defining an issue and possible actions. Organizations may find this tool useful in situations where certain actions rely on the occurrence of one or a combination of conditions. In a decision table, decision rules define the relationships between decisions, conditions and actions. Here are the general components of a decision table:

5. Structured English
System analysts often use structured English because it often provides more understandable and precise descriptions of a process. It often helps non-technical users understand a computer program's design by separating it into logical steps using straightforward English words. Organizations may benefit from this method when they consider sequences and loops in a program and an issue requires sequences of actions with decisions.

This process results from a structured programming language based on procedural logic that employs imperative sentences and construction to perform operations for an action. It doesn't contain a strict syntax rule and expresses all logic through sequential decision structures and iterations. Here are a few of the guidelines that professionals typically follow when using Structured English:

Write clear and unambiguous statements.
Use one line per logical element.
Capitalize keywords.
Underline words or phrases that appear in a data dictionary.
Mark comment lines with an asterisk.

6. Pseudocodes
A pseudocode typically uses structural rules of a normal programming language, but professionals use it for human interpretation instead of machine interpretation.

Read more: Understanding Pseudocode: What It Is and How To Write It

7. Simulations
A simulation usually involves developing a numerical model that illustrates a system's activity in the form of individual events in the system's individual segments.