راي ذكي جدا ومنطقي يرى ان افضل شيء له ولنور مان وايما ان يهربوا بمفردهم بدون الأطفال لزيادة فرص النجاح راي لا يتعلق ببعض الأطفال بسرعة راي أيضا صبور ومخادع متذكر كل شيء صار عندما كان صغير في دار الأيتام لذا ماجاته صدمة لما عرفوا بالحقيقية مثل ايما ونور مان .في صفات في راي اكرها وفي صفات اعشقها
Ray is very smart and logical. He believes that the best thing for him, Noor Man, and Emma is for them to escape alone without the children to increase their chances of success. Ray does not get attached to some children quickly. Ray is also patient and deceitful. He remembers everything that happened when he was young in the orphanage, so he was shocked when they learned the truth, like Emma and Noor Man. There are qualities in my opinion that I hate and there are qualities that I adore