026 Windows server 2022 - Dynamic Disk volume types
في هذا الفيديو سنقوم بشرح ال Dynamic Disk
و سنتعرف علي انواع ال Volumes
simple volume, spanned volume, stiped volume, mirror volume.

In this playlist we will learn a lot of topics in Microsoft Windows Server 2022 such as Installation, domain controller configuration, create and manage users, windows admin center, server management, Active directory partitions and FSMO roles, group policy, and some other servers such as DHCP, DNS, WDS, WSUS

في قائمة التشغيل هذه ، سنتعلم الكثير من الموضوعات في
Microsoft Windows Server 2022
وسنتناول بعض المواضيع مثل
Installation, domain controller configuration, create and manage users, windows admin center, server management, Active directory partitions and FSMO roles, group policy, and some other servers such as DHCP, DNS, WDS, WSUS, OSI layers , TCP/IP

#fortigate playlist: