MATLAB Tutorial
Artificial Intelligence :: Neural Networks
Explore the fundamentals behind machine learning.
Learning ML :: Machine Learning via Matlab | Classification of linearly separable data with a Multi Layers perceptron.
Classification of linearly separable data with a perceptron.
Four clusters of data, belonging to Four classes, are defined in a 2-dimensional input space. Classes are linearly separable. The task is to construct a feed forward network for the classification of data.
4 clusters of data (A,B,C,D) are defined in a 2-dimensional input space. The task is to define a neural network for classification of arbitrary point in
the 2-dimensional space into one of the classes (A,B,C,D).

trained to classify input vectors into 4 categories
• Define 4 clusters of input data
• Define output coding for all 4 clusters
• Prepare inputs & outputs for network training
• Create and train a multilayer perceptron
• Evaluate network performance and plot results
• Plot classification result for the complete input space
Advanced Matlab Course - Learn & Master Machine Learning - lesson 10 - Part 2-
Explaining Machine Learning and Activation functions.
A Multi Layers Perceptron is a model used for supervised learning of classification.
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