Unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions).
Prevalence 1.1-1.8
More in Females
Higher risk during pregnancy and postpartum
Higher in first-degree relatives
OCD usually begins in the teen or young adult years
Symptoms usually begin gradually and tend to vary in severity throughout life.
Symptoms generally worsen when you experience greater stress. OCD, usually considered a lifelong disorder

 Symptoms: Obsessions
Intrusive, distressing thoughts, impulses, or images that are recurrent and persistent
Attempts to ignore, suppress or neutralize 
product of one's own mind
١- Contamination (50%)
Worry about infection from others (e.g. shaking hands)
Associated compulsions: Hand Washing, cleaning
2- Pathologic doubt (42%)
Persistent worrying about doing things incorrectly and negatively impacting others
Examples: An unlocked door, or oven left on
Associated compulsions: Excessive checking, Performing tasks in a strict order
3- Need for symmetry or Order (32%)
Associated compulsions: ordering, arranging

4.Aggressive (31%)
Intrusive images of hurting another person: driving into a crowd
Associated compulsions: Needs reassurance of being a good person

5.Sexual (24%)
Intrusive pornographic images (sexually deviant, pedophilia, incest)
Acting in a sexually inappropriate way toward others
Associated compulsions: Follow mental rituals to counter intrusive

Symptoms: Compulsions
Repetitive behaviors or mental acts:
Checking (61%)
Washing (50%)
Counting (36%)
Need to ask or confess (34%)
Symmetry and precision (28%)
Hoarding trash or other items (18%)
Repeating words silently
Compulsions are intended to reduce distress
Patient feels compelled to respond
Patient may have a set of rigidly applied rules
Not connected realistically to preventing Obsession
Worry about unknowingly committing a sin (immoral, eternal damnation)
Associated compulsions: Asking for forgiveness, praying
Afraid of bad numbers or colors

Insight that Obsessions or compulsions are excessive
Impaired function
Marked distress
Time consuming (more than an hour per day)
Interfere with patient's normal routine
Interfere with occupation, education, relationships