شرح درس
CHEMISTRY - Secondary 1
In This part we will study
The Concept of nanotechnology
"Nanotechnology" is a term of two words:
Nano: It is derived from the Greek word "Nanos" which means "Dwarf" (i.e. very small).
Technology: It means the application of knowledge in a certain field.
Nanotechnology: It is the technology of very small substances and it specializes in treating the substances on the Nano scale to produce resultants with new, useful and unique properties.
Nanochemistry : It is one of the Nano science branches which :
 Deals with chemical applications of Nano substances.
 Includes studying, describing and the synthesis of Nano substances.
 Studies the unique properties related to collecting atoms and molecules of Nano dimensions.
Nano substances may take different shapes as follows:
- Particles. - Nano columns. - Nano wires. - Balls.
- Nano tubes. - Nano fibers. - Thin films. - Thin membranes
 Two-dimensional Nano substances:
Carbon Nano tubes are:
1. Good conductors of electricity more than copper.
2. Good conductors of heat more than diamond.
3. Stronger and lighter thai1 steel, due to the powerful bonds between its molecules, therefore the Nano tubes which have the size of a human hair can easily pull a truck.
So, scientists think to make very strong robes that can be used in the future to make space elevators (shuttles).
4. Connected easily to protein. So, they can be used in making biological sensor devices which are sensitive to a certain molecules.

Three-dimensional Nano substances: are Nano substances that have three Nano dimensions.
The symbol of Bucky ball is C60
Because it consists of 60 carbon atoms.

Bucky ball used as a carrier for medicine in the body.
Due to its hollow structure, it can be fitted with the molecules of medicine and protects it from the reaction with certain molecules inside the body.

Best wishes to you
Mr.Ahmed Elbasha

كيمياء الصف الاول الثانوي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الاول
شرح كيمياء لغات اولي ثانوي - مستر احمد الباشا
كيمياء لغات - الصف الاول الثانوي - كيمياء اولي ثانوي الترم الاول - كيمستري اولي ثانوي الترم الاول