What is your need for attitude control, and how can you meet it? We talk about attitude control requirements from the extremely rigid to the very flexible, and what kinds of sensors should be employed to keep them in that attitude.
In this series of classes I will discuss the basics of satellite design. The goal is to understand all of the basic systems in satellites, to the point of having a starting point to build a satellite, such as a Cubesat. Feel free to talk with others working their way through on my discord, https://discord.gg/qnn4bmM , in the #satellite room.
For more information on what I am doing, see http://www.whereisroadster.com/ To help support this and future efforts see https://www.patreon.com/whereisroadster/. To see more information about Kerbal Space Program, visit https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ . To check out my store, see http://www.cafepress.com/whereisroadster/.