Reference group definition. Types of reference groups and their influence on consumer behaviour

A reference group is a social construct that allows us to understand group dynamics in consumer behaviour. It refers to people’s behaviour in their social settings. It's part of consumer Sociology and its influence on consumption..

Reference group types explained. Group influence in marketing, consumer behaviour and social settings.
Groups types - aspirational groups, contractual group, avoidance groups
Types of reference groups in sociology, individual behaviour, marketing and consumer choice.
Reference groups influence how people behave in their social settings.
Reference groups are key for marketing managers to understand the nature of influence and impact they have on consumer conformity.

Dr Catherine Ngahu
Consumer Behaviour

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00:00 What is a reference group?
00:35 Contractual group
00:49 Aspirational group
02:19 Disclaimant group
03:22 Avoidance group
04:49 Consumer conformity and marketing decisions