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Email Marketing is one of the most effective marketing process most of the businesses, bloggers, content creators and influencers using and MailChimp is one of the best easy Email Marketing Platform peoples are using for the email marketing campaigns.
From this video - you will learn from the basic to advance skills of MailChimp Email Marketing.
This MailChimp Email Marketing Tutorial will cover following steps and skills:
1. Setup a Free MailChimp Account
2. Upload Email Subscribers Manually
3. Create Email Signup Form
4. Embed Email Signup Form to WordPress Website
5. Redirect Our New Subscribers to a Landing Page
6. Create and Setup an Automated Welcome Email
7. Setup our First Email Campaign and Send
Everything is covered step by step and after learning the skills - you will be able to promote your product or services using MailChimp Email Marketing or you can even provide Email Management and Marketing services to your clients as a freelancer!
Please watch the full MailChimp Email Marketing Tutorial, practice and make the knowledge and tool working for your purpose!
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Web Hostings I use:
1. Bluehost: https://www.bluehost.com/track/azrafy/
How to Create a Website with Bluehost:
2. Hostinger: https://www.hostg.xyz/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff_id=37074
Website Builders I use:
1. Elementor: https://elementor.com/?ref=18791
2. Webflow: https://webflow.grsm.io/azharulrafy6424
3. Dorik: https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/49992/128318?link=2577
Email Marketing Service I use:
1. Sendinblue: https://www.sendinblue.com/?tap_a=30591-fb13f0&tap_s=465101-0206f8
Tool I use for Video Ranking:
TubeBuddy: https://www.tubebuddy.com/azrafy
Let's talk on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azharulrafy/
Email: mdrafy9@gmail.com
Website: https://www.azharulrafy.com
* The information on the videos and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.
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