What is the Brand Vitality (VIT) Score and how does it differ from EMV?

Evy Lyons, Chief Marketing Officer at Traackr, dives into the differences and shares how VIT can be used to successfully measure the impact of your influencer programs.

For background:
The Brand Vitality framework and associated score were created by Traackr to provide a transparent and scalable way to measure the impact of influencer content. It plays a critical role in establishing the influencer management practice as a core pillar of marketing. The Brand Vitality Score (VIT) is the first metric uniquely created for measuring a brand’s performance in influencers’ content. It was designed to measure what matters—visibility (reach of content), impact (engagement generated) and brand trust (quality of content on brand image).

Learn more here: https://www.traackr.com/resources/leaderboard-faq#header-4