We build a growth marketing dashboard to help us attribute performance & analyze the most important marketing KPIs. Discussion & template included!

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In this video, we will build a digital marketing dashboard that you could use for a weekly growth marketing meeting to attribute (identify the drivers) revenue changes to your different campaigns.

We focus on the different marketing KPIs across the full funnel - top, middle and bottom - and analyze the results of many different experiments we ran.

We will cover all of this using real life examples and discussions.


0:18 what this marketing dashboard covers & marketing funnel
2:02 building the high-level full year revenue / spend tracking
3:30 breaking down the most important marketing metrics MTD
9:55 interpreting the results of all our marketing activities (funnel breakdown)
28:35 analyzing drivers behind new vs. returning revenue
30:07 breaking down paid marketing performance by channel in post-iOS14 world (simple explanation)

By the end of this video, you will understand how to build a growth marketing dashboard and try to attribute your performance to different campaigns.

#digitalmarketingKPIs #startups #marketingperformance