Do you need more inks? Are print heads you can replace any better? Do grey inks make for better black and white photo printing?

Keith looks at some of the different features of different printers and whether they actually make a significant difference, along with some that are just marketing myths or simply wrong...

00:00 Start
00:12 What I look for in printers
00:46 The better printer
01:29 Is there a best
01:49 Dye vs pigment ink
02:46 Do more inks give a bigger gamut
05:46 Disentangling the marketing
06:26 Grey inks and black and white performance
09:51 Are replaceable print heads better or worse
10:28 Yes, you can get a duff printer
11:22 Strongly held views about a particular company - warning signs
12:12 When it's not the printer's fault
13:12 Settings that go to 11
13:40 Being cheap shows
14:18 The aggreived customer from 2004

See also Keith's look at the differences between dye and pigment ink printers.

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