Complete Playlist of Unsupervised Machine Learning

The very first step of the K means clustering algorithm, was to choose random locations as the initial guesses for the cluster centroids mu one through mu K. But how do you actually take that random guess. Let's take a look at that in this video, as well as how you can take multiple attempts at the initial guesses with mu one through mu K. That will result in your finding a better set of clusters. Let's take a look, here again is the K means algorithm and in this video let's take a look at how you can implement this first step. When running K means you should pretty much always choose the number of cluster central's K to be lessened to training examples m. It doesn't really make sense to have K greater than m because then there won't even be enough training examples to have at least one training example per cluster centroids. So in our earlier example we had K equals two and m equals 30. In order to choose the cluster centroids, the most common way is to randomly pick K training examples. So here is a training set where if I were to randomly pick two training examples, maybe I end up picking this one and this one. And then we would set new one through mu K equal to these K training examples. So I might initialize my red cluster centroid here, and initialize my blue cluster sent troy over here, in the example where K was equal to two. And it turns out that if this was your random initialization and you were to run K means you pray end up with K means deciding that these are the two classes in the data set. Notes that this method of initializing the cost of central is a little bit different than what I had used in the illustration in the earlier videos. Where I was initializing the cluster centroids mu one and mu two to be just random points rather than sitting on top of specific training examples. I've done that to make the illustrations clearer in the earlier videos. But what I'm showing in this slide is actually a much more commonly used way of initializing the clusters centroids. Now with this method there is a chance that you end up with an initialization of the cluster centroids where the red cross is here and maybe the blue cross is here. And depending on how you choose the random initial central centroids kineys\g raw end up picking a difference set of causes for your data set. Let's look at a slightly more complex example, where we're going to look at this data set and try to find three clusters so k equals three in this data. If you were to run K means with one random initialization of the cluster centroid, you may get this result up here and this looks like a pretty good choice. Pretty good clustering of the data into three different clusters. But with a different initialization, say you had happened to initialize two of the cluster centroids within this group of points. And one within this group of points, after running k means you might end up with this clustering, which doesn't look as good. And this turns out to be a local optima, in which K-means is trying to minimize the distortion cost function, that cost function J of C one through CM and mu one through mu K that you saw in the last video. But with this less fortunate choice of random initialization, it had just happened to get stuck in a local minimum. And here's another example of a local minimum, where a different random initialization course came in to find this clustering of the data into three clusters, which again doesn't seem as good as the one that you saw up here on top. So if you want to give k means multiple shots at finding the best local optimum. If you want to try multiple random initialization, so give it a better chance of finding this good clustering up on top. One other thing you could do with the kings algorithm is to run it multiple times and then to try to find the best local optima. And it turns out that if you were to run k means three times say, and end up with these three distinct clusterings. Then one way to choose between these three solutions, is to compute the cost function J for all three of these solutions, all three of these choices of clusters found by k means.

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