الرئيسية إنشاء سيرة ذاتية دورات تدريبية الأختبارات
قناة منصة معارف علي التليجرام الاقوي عربيا .. اشترك الآن

شرح في العضل | الاسعافات الأولية | 40 ضربة الشمس والانهاك الحراري | [معتمد]

دورة الاسعافات الأولية شاملة

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سجل الآن
قائمة الدروس | 41 درس


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قنوات تساعدك بكل سهولة على الوصول للمصادر التعليمية و الوظائف و النصائح المهنية و المنح الدراسية

اشترك الآن مجانا

نحن نهتم بتقيمك لهذه الدورة

350 تقيمات
89 تقيمات
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452 تقيمات

سعد محمد الاربش

ممتاز 2024-11-13

باهره ابراهيم الحسياني

راااائعه ومفهوم الشرح لانه مبسط 2024-11-13

Mohamed Mousa

ممتاز 2024-11-13


I am grateful for the Comprehensive First Aid course on the m3aarf.com platform. The classes were clear, engaging, and full of essential life-saving skills that are easy to understand and apply. This course has greatly boosted my confidence in handling emergency situations effectively. I highly recommend m3aarf.com to anyone wanting to learn first aid and be prepared for emergencies. Thank you for such a valuable learning experience! 2024-11-09

Essam baker

ممتاز 2024-11-05

Ahmed Marzooq

ممتازه 2024-11-05

Abdulrhman Gamal

لكم الشكر 2024-11-04

Pola Nabil

Perfect 2024-11-02

Paveesh Mk

I recently completed the Comprehensive First Aid course on m3aarf, and it was an incredibly valuable experience. The course was well-structured, comprehensive, and full of practical tips that I can apply to both my professional and personal life. It has proven to be very important for me, as it has significantly enhanced my confidence and preparedness in handling emergencies. This course has not only provided essential life-saving skills but also offered strong support for my career growth. I hi 2024-11-02

Abdalla Aldosari

مبدعين 2024-10-31

سلطان محمد محسن القحطاني

ممتاز 2024-10-30

Mahmoud mohamed ashour

ممتاز 2024-10-24

إظهار تقيمات اخرى
دورة معتمدة اون لاين مجانية تُعرّف الإسعافات الأوليّة بأنها المُساعدة المبدئية التي تُقدّم للإنسان المُصاب بمرض أو حادث مُفاجئ، من أجل الحِفاظ على حياة المُصاب ومنع حدوث أي مُضاعفات إلى أن يصل الفريق الطبي المُختص. First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available, such as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation while waiting for an ambulance, as well as the complete treatment of minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. First aid is generally performed by someone with basic medical training. Mental health first aid is an extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health, while psychological first aid is used as early treatment of people who are at risk for developing PTSD. Conflict First Aid, focused on preservation and recovery of an individual's social or relationship well-being, is being piloted in Canada. برنامج في العضل First Aid Course First Aid Course

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