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قناة منصة معارف علي التليجرام الاقوي عربيا .. اشترك الآن

شرح Pharma Tube 95 Chemotherapy 18 Cancer Part 1 Introductions | [معتمد]

دورة Chemotherapy

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قائمة الدروس | 22 درس


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دورات جد قيمة مزيدا من الاستمرار 2021-12-08

إظهار تقيمات اخرى
كورس اون لاين مجانا لتعلم Chemotherapy A course of chemotherapy usually takes between 3 to 6 months, although it can be more or less than that. The treatment will include one or more chemotherapy drugs. You may have the chemotherapy into a vein (intravenous drugs), or as tablets or capsules. Is chemotherapy treatment painful? Discomfort During an Infusion The actual chemotherapy process is usually painless. Some chemo drugs may cause a slight burning as they enter your vein, but this is usually minor and tends to ease as the infusion progresses. How painful chemotherapy is? Does chemotherapy hurt? IV chemotherapy should not cause any pain while being administered. If you experience pain, contact the nurse taking care of you to check your IV line. An exception would be if there is a leak and the drug gets into surrounding tissues.

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