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دورات اللغة الالمانية

German Listening

(4.0) 1 شخص

Deutsch für Euch

محتوى الدورة التدريبية 33 درس .

نبذه عن الدورة
دورة معتمدة اون لاين مجانية You'd like to improve your listening comprehension? With the top-notch, free learning content listed here, you can do just that! There are a number of listening resources waiting for you! Choose listening activities and complete interactive exercises afterwards to test your listening comprehension. A practical and targeted way to improve your listening skills! There are many listening sources with the specific purpose to help you practice your listening skills in German. This means that the texts have been prepared with that goal and they offer you some exercises too. Deutsch-to-go is a good solution if you like it short and at different levels (from easy to difficult), like in school. Those are audio recordings prepared by native German teachers. 2 new texts are being published every week. You can find printable texts there too. Deutsch Perfekt is actually a magazine for German language learners. However, they also have an online version where you can find many texts for listening and reading, sorted by their difficulty level. Another solution would be Audio Lingua which also offers short recordings made by native German speakers (but not teachers) at different levels (A1 and above). Slowly spoken news in German from Deutsche Welle are a good choice for advanced learners (B2-C1). News are being published daily. Videos from the Wissen2Go YouTube channel is another respectful resource for advanced learners (C1-C2). You can exercise listening at the levels A1 – C1 at the deutschlernerblog too. Deutsch für Euch Hörverstehen | German Listening || Deutsch Für Euch
عرض المزيد
محتوى دورة German Listening

للحصول علي شهادة الدورة
German Listening
شهادة معتمدة من منصة معارف في German Listening
  • يجب ان يكون لديك حساب داخل المنصة
  • مشاهدة كل الدروس
  • متابعة تقدمك بالدورة من خلال لوحة التحكم
  • بعد إنتهائك من الدورة ثم يتم ارسال إشعار لك من المنصة
  • تقوم بكتابة اسمك باللغة الانجليزية او العربية للحصول على الشهادة
  • لا يوجد اي رسوم للإشتراك في الدورة
  • الشهادة مجانية

تقييمات الدورة

1 تقييمات

0 تقييمات 5 ( ممتاز )
1 تقييمات 4 ( جيد )
0 تقييمات 3 ( متوسط )
0 تقييمات 2 ( مقبول )
0 تقييمات 1 ( سئ )
Asmaa Benchellal
Asmaa Benchellal
14 ديسمبر 2021

Sehr spannend!
