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دورات تصميم مواقع

Adobe Experience Design UI UX

(4.5) 98 شخص


محتوى الدورة التدريبية 7 درس . 1 س 3 د

نبذه عن الدورة
Adobe XD is a vector-based user experience design tool for web apps and mobile apps, developed and published by Adobe Inc. It is available for macOS and Windows, although there are versions for iOS and Android to help preview the result of work directly on mobile devices. XD supports website wireframing and creating click-through prototypes.[1] Adobe XD creates user interfaces for mobile and web apps. Many features in XD were previously either hard to use or nonexistent in other Adobe applications like Illustrator or Photoshop.[5] Repeat grid: Helps creating a grid of repeating items such as lists, and photo galleries. Prototype and animation: Creates animated prototypes through linking artboards. These prototypes can be previewed on supported mobile devices. Interoperability: XD supports and can open files from Illustrator, Photoshop, Photoshop Sketch, and After Effects. In addition to the Adobe Creative Cloud, XD can also connect to other tools and services such as Slack and Microsoft Teams to collaborate. XD is also able to auto adjust and move smoothly from macOS to Windows. For security, prototypes can be sent with password protections to ensure full disclosure.[6] Voice design: Apps can be designed using voice commands. In addition, what users create for smart assistants can be previewed as well. Symbols: Users can create symbols to represent logos and buttons. Symbols can be used to drag and drop items on to artboards and organized them to be reused. Responsive resize: Responsive resize automatically adjusts and sizes pictures and other objects on the artboards. This allows the user to have their content automatically adjusted for different screens for different sized platforms such as mobile phones and PC's. Plugins: XD is compatible with custom plugins that add additional features and uses. Plugins range from design to functionality, automation and animation.
عرض المزيد
محتوى دورة Adobe Experience Design UI UX

للحصول علي شهادة الدورة
كورس - دورة تدريبية لتعليم  Adobe XD Tutorials (Adobe Experience Design Tutorials)
شهادة معتمدة من منصة معارف في Adobe Experience Design UI UX
  • يجب ان يكون لديك حساب داخل المنصة
  • مشاهدة كل الدروس
  • متابعة تقدمك بالدورة من خلال لوحة التحكم
  • بعد إنتهائك من الدورة ثم يتم ارسال إشعار لك من المنصة
  • تقوم بكتابة اسمك باللغة الانجليزية او العربية للحصول على الشهادة
  • لا يوجد اي رسوم للإشتراك في الدورة
  • الشهادة مجانية

تقييمات الدورة

98 تقييمات

68 تقييمات 5 ( ممتاز )
23 تقييمات 4 ( جيد )
5 تقييمات 3 ( متوسط )
0 تقييمات 2 ( مقبول )
0 تقييمات 1 ( سئ )
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27 أبريل 2023


Mona Mahmoud
Mona Mahmoud
12 أبريل 2023


Eslam Tawfeq
Eslam Tawfeq
11 فبراير 2023

very good course

Ali Hasan Al-attas
Ali Hasan Al-attas
25 سبتمبر 2022


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كورس جميل شكرا لكم

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محمد محمد مهدى عبدالمعطى
محمد محمد مهدى عبدالمعطى
21 فبراير 2022

Very Very good for real

عرض المزيد